Friday, July 25, 2008

Midsummer's To-Do List

OK, just consider me spontaneous. I am not one to plan much in advance. Well, I have my must-dos and I do play it safe, but as far as mapping out my weekend or my summer or my yearly vacations...never happens. Even my wedding was planned and held within three months of my husband's proposal. It was a lovely wedding too. I just can't get caught up in too much complexity or discussion. Simple, straightforward, and pleasant is what I like.

This is not always good, because I find that entire summers can pass without my doing or experiencing what I had in mind. This summer my to-do list is simple again:

  • order book for girlfriends' bookclub in time for August meeting (couple weeks left)(canceled)
  • order something from Carol's Daughter store (going on two years now)
  • visit Capital Christian Fellowship in Lanham, MD (done)
  • return to Capital Christian Fellowship in Lanham, MD (done)
  • visit 49 West restaurant in Annapolis w/Mom in Sept to see Crabgrass--my favorite prof's bluegrass group
  • visit St. Michael's, Maryland w/Mom and Charlita--check out Crabclaw Restaurant
  • visit Ebenezer's Cafe on 2nd and F Sts. N.E. , DC near Union Station(did a drive by)
  • order Corinne Bailey Rae's CD
  • order Tye Tribbet's CD and new releases from Emtro Gospel (you guys check out (done)
  • have a girlfriend's get-together

Highlights and Insights on a Welcome Friday

Today was good. Busy workday, but a productive end of the work week. Looking back, it was a stressful week: stalled car, scarce dollars, empty cabinets, headaches, twice forgetting to take my son's cup to daycare, two wet-bed accidents from my 3-year old (middle of night and early morning), last-minute laundry and grocery errands on the way to work, and low gas...argghh! But I made it through with sanity intact and some laughs and love mixed in. Oh, and a good performance review at work. Thank God.

Small pleasures today:

Oh my goodness, the Oscar Meyer deli creations "flatbread chicken w/ bacon ranch sauce" Delicious! Every one of the deli creations that I've tried has been excellent. Two for $5.00 is decent too!

Ahh! Had to stop at Safeway on the way to taking Monte to daycare. They had that new coffee that we got as a sample in Silver Spring--Seattle's Best. I had no idea about all the varieties, but I was pleased to see a mark-down bin full of ground and whole beans for $3.99 each. On the aisle shelf I'd passed them over because I couldn't afford them at nearly $9.00 for a smallish bag.

Another treat, I got four Kit Kat bars for $1.80, less than .50 cents each. Don't see that nowadays. I'll give three to my family.

Grace and Light:
I'm thankful for my family and friends for so many reasons. I'm so appreciating the peace that comes when praying to God. Our family so needs God's comfort and strength as my dad enters hospice. Thankful that he didn't have to stay at the first dismal, inadequate long-term care facility and a that a quality hospice has arranged to care for him. God bless my father and his care team. Bless Mom as well as we all trust you to carry us through and address our immediate needs. May we also be useful in service to you in a demonstration of your love to others. Amen.

Monday, July 21, 2008

In Defense of the 'Hood

In response to comments on a Washington Post article concerning crime in the N.E. Washington, D.C. Trinidad neighborhood, I had to add my two cents' worth today. I wish I had more answers and help, but what I know is this:

My parents moved there 7 yrs ago after raising us in S.S. & Tak. Pk., MD. I was taken aback because I remember hearing of that exact street in the late 1980s and it wasn't the place to be. I've learned, however, that it isn't the residents who commit these crimes. My parents' neighbors (friends) are old fashioned, southern, (many retired), friendly, everyone-knows-everyone and their mama, brother, cousin...They will look out for your car, bring you a Sunday newspaper or a plate of food, even medical supplies for your sick spouse. They repair each other's cars, do DIY projects and fundraisers for each other and support good causes. They give rides to church and to hospital.

The male babies grow up and perhaps to some they are suddenly viewed as a threat, but we know that they are the same kids that have been there the whole time and who have loving families who are proud of them.

Whoever has commited these murders needs to be taken off the street. They too are someone's neighbor, of course, but I seriously doubt they live in the Trinidad neighborhood and shoot at people who would ID them. It isn't an all-black neighborhood anymore. It is fast-changing--on the block is a mixture of families: Afr. Am. (young/old), Latino, Asian, and white singles. Also, Gallaudet students pass through and live in the vicinity.
