This is not always good, because I find that entire summers can pass without my doing or experiencing what I had in mind. This summer my to-do list is simple again:
- order book for girlfriends' bookclub in time for August meeting (couple weeks left)(canceled)
- order something from Carol's Daughter store (going on two years now)
- visit Capital Christian Fellowship in Lanham, MD (done)
- return to Capital Christian Fellowship in Lanham, MD (done)
- visit 49 West restaurant in Annapolis w/Mom in Sept to see Crabgrass--my favorite prof's bluegrass group
- visit St. Michael's, Maryland w/Mom and Charlita--check out Crabclaw Restaurant
- visit Ebenezer's Cafe on 2nd and F Sts. N.E. , DC near Union Station(did a drive by)
- order Corinne Bailey Rae's CD
- order Tye Tribbet's CD and new releases from Emtro Gospel (you guys check out (done)
- have a girlfriend's get-together