Monday, November 3, 2008

In a Few Words

Here's what I'm thinking about this week, following a sermon and small group led by Pastor Nelson of Capital Christian Fellowship:

What does it mean to be an ambassador for our Lord? --a light to the world--a living invitation, representation, loving those who don't necessarily care about us, extending mercy and compassion, being willing to yield

Because He first forgave us, and we're called to be like Him, we must forgive others--for God forgave us while we were sinners. He gave us this great gift of mercy, and we shouldn't refuse mercy toward others. In some cases, I'm convinced that forgiving is impossible unless God brings it about.

When we do forgive, it is as if we let go of a burden, an obstacle that's blocked our connection with another. When we release the burden, put it down, we're free to move on and see beyond the hurt. Holding onto hurt just keeps the hurt going. When the burden is let go, it may enable reconciliation.

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